
Initiate a change

Are you or someone in your family or social-personal network struggling with a substance- alcohol and or related use problem or addiction? Are you worried? Is it disrupting your life or negatively affecting your physical and-or mental health or perhaps your family life or professional-work life? If so, we can help you!

Our free, confidential and personalized services are aimed at supporting both: those who live with addiction as well as their loved ones. 

How to access our services?

1. Book an appoitment with your family doctor or at a walk-in clinic

2. Contact your CLSC

CLSC de Dorval-Lachine

CLSC de LaSalle

CLSC de Pierrefonds

CLSC du Lac-Saint-Louis

514 639-0660

Extension 80308 and 80227

514 364-2572

Extension 22232 and 22233

514 626-2572

Extension 3956

514 697-4110

Extension 1559

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday : 9 am to 5 pm
Thrusday, Friday : 8 am à 8 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 8 am to 8 pm
Thrusday, Friday : 9 am to 5 pm
Saturday : 1 pm to 4 pm
Monday to Friday : 8 am to 8 pm
Saturday : 1 pm to 4 pm
Monday to Friday : 9 am to 5 pm

3. Contact an Addiction Rehabilitation Center

To find the access point nearest you, contact the Guichet d’accès centralisé at 514 385-1232 or visit their website.

One of your relatives is experiencing addiction problems?

If you already are in contact with a professional from our CIUSSS, book an appoitment with them to talk about your situation.


Contact your CLSC

To begin a process of change, make an appointment with a psychosocial counsellor at your CLSC. All services are free, confidential and adapted to the needs of any person living with a loved one with an addiction problem.

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Accessing injection equipment

If you use drugs by injection, using new injection equipment is a safe practice that allows you to reduce the risk of catching or transmitting STIs. For your health and the health of those who come in contact with your injection equipment, you can use the services of an injection equipment access center.

Find an injection equipment access center

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