Reporting a situation to Youth Protection

The Youth Protection Act (YPA)

The Youth Protection Act (YPA) also considers that children or youths may be in need of protection if they :

  • run away;
  • are not attending school;
  • have been abandoned by their parents after being placed in foster care by virtue of the Act Respecting Health Services and Social Services.

You are concerned by the situation of a child who may experience any of these situations?

A child or youth has told you about his problems and you don?t know what to do?

Call our services and say that you wish to make a report (or signalement) or just say that you wish to talk to someone about the situation of a child that concerns you.

To report is to protect

Our Youth Protection Services receive every year over 3000 reports (signalements). It is primarily due to a person?s concern about the well-being of a child, and this person sharing it with us, that we are able to protect.

The Youth Protection Act (YPA) stipulates that children and youths between the ages of 0 and 18, are in need of protection in any of the following 6 situations:

  • abandonment;
  • neglect;
  • psychological ill-treatment;
  • sexual abuse;
  • physical abuse;
  • serious behavioural disturbance.

Crise-Ado-Famille-Enfance (CAFE) Program

Is your family in crisis? Is your child experiencing psychological distress? Is your teen threatening to run away?  

Call Info-Social 811 (Option 2) for 24/7 support. 

A professional psychosocial worker is available to give you advice, answer your questions and direct you to the right resource. 

Click here for more information.

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