Gastroenterology (Endoscopy)

Who can access our services

These services are provided by appointment to anyone aged 18 years or older with a medical referral and who needs a consult with a surgeon.

Our team of gastroenterologists and specially trained personnel offer a range of gastrointestinal procedures to diagnose and treat various digestive disorders.

Services available


Procedure: A colonoscopy is a procedure to examine the large intestine for anomalies such as polyps, tumours, or inflammation.
During the procedure, a long, flexible tube equipped with a camera is inserted into the rectum and guided through the colon.

Preparation: To ensure accurate results and patient safety, it is important to follow the specific preparation instructions provided by our team.

What to expect: Users can be given mild sedation to lessen discomfort during the colonoscopy. It is not unusual to feel slightly bloated or gassy after the procedure. We recommend that you come to your appointment with a responsible adult, because the sedation used during the procedure may temporarily affect your coordination and judgment.


Procedure: A gastroscopy, also known as an upper endoscopy, provides a visual examination of the esophagus, stomach, and the upper part of the small intestine (the duodenum). It is used to diagnose issues such as gastroesophageal reflux, ulcers, and inflammation.

Preparation: Your physician will give you specific instructions for fasting and possible changes needed to your medication.

What to expect: Gastroscopy is generally done with sedation to ensure the patient’s comfort. It is not unusual to have a slightly irritated throat after the procedure. This discomfort should generally disappear within a few hours. Our team will provide detailed instructions after the procedure and answer all of your questions.

Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

Only provided at St. Mary’s Hospital Center.

Procedure: ERCP combines an endoscopy with X-ray imaging to diagnose and treat issues of the bile ducts and pancreas. It is used to assess and treat obstructions, gallstones, and pancreatitis.

Preparation: Our team will give you specific instructions to prepare for this procedure. You may need to make changes to your medication, so it is important to follow all of the instructions attentively.

What to expect: ERCP is done with sedation to ensure the patient’s comfort. Patients may experience mild discomfort after the procedure. Our team will provide detailed instructions after the procedure for optimal recovery.

How to access our services

These services are available upon referral only.

Your physician must fax a request to the Endoscopy Department of the hospital from which the services are being requested.

An administrative agent will then contact you to book an appointment.

To make an appointment

St. Mary’s Hospital Center

• For outpatients 
Fax :  514 734-2713

• For hospitalized patients
Fax :  514 734-5432 (For ERCP procedures)

Hôpital de LaSalle

  • The user or physician must fax a referral to  514-367-8662 or bring it to the secretary of the Endoscopy Department in person.

Lakeshore General Hospital

[Translate to English:]

  • For outpatients
    Fax :  514 630-4731

What to bring to your appointment

  • Current list of medications you take
  • Your physician’s referral (if you have it)
  • Health insurance card
  • Hospital card

Contact us

St. Mary’s Hospital Center
Location: Pavilion A (Main Pavilion), Basement, Room 360
Complete address and parking location 

Hôpital de LaSalle
Telephone: 514-367-8344
Location: 1st Floor, Wing C, Room 2–1107
Complete address and parking location

Lakeshore General Hospital
Location: 3rd Floor, East Wing, Room 3217
Complete address and parking location


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