Have you Heard of These Mustachioed Heroes?

In November 16 men from our CIUSSS joined forces to take part in Movember. Together they raised $10 220 for men’s mental health and suicide prevention. The proceeds will be donated to the Douglas Foundation to support research activities at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute.

Congratulations to the Braves moustachus for their dedication and commitment! We’re very proud to be working with such generous men!

1. Carlos Benavides

Associate Director—Major Infrastructure Projects and Real Estate Planning

Technical Services Directorate

2. Alex Galli

Administrative Technician

Office of the President & CEO

3. Jean-Nicolas Brousseau

Associate Director—Expertise and Development

Human Resources and Legal Affairs Directorate

4. Gustavo Turecki

Chief of the Psychiatry Department

Mental Health and Addiction Programs Directorate

Scientific Director—Douglas Research Centre

5. Robin Fiola

Coordinator—Emergency Measures, Civil Security, Fire Prevention, and Indoor Security

6. Ray Barillaro

Audiovisual Technician

Digital Health, Information Resources, and Biomedical Engineering Directorate

7. Jean-François Miron

Associate Executive Director, Standardization/Harmonization and Process Development

8. Pierre Lemay

Associate Director—Performance and Data Valorization

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