Pilot Project Using Mixed Reality to Provide Support Launched at the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal

The CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal has an opportunity to use mixed reality (MR) technology to equip experienced staff to remotely provide support and mentoring for new nurses on all shifts. The project aims to strengthen the competencies of clinical staff and bolster their confidence by allowing them to act when faced with complex procedures. During its exploratory phase, this project will also help to identify innovative solutions for optimizing the time management of medical and care teams, and to modernize the provision of care using health data and advanced analysis. 

The pilot project will run for three months in the Intensive Care Units of the Lakeshore General Hospital and the Hôpital de LaSalle, as well as the Medical Surgical Unit at the Hôpital de LaSalle. During the trial period, designated super-users at each site will take turns supporting staff remotely. To ensure follow-up and an evidence-based analysis, the managers taking part in the project will track how frequently super-users and staff are contacted, the reason for each contact, the problem encountered, and the measures taken in each case.  

About HoloLens

The mixed reality (MR) HoloLens device developed by Microsoft uses multiple optical sensors that allow the support team to interact with the person wearing the HoloLens device, by uploading documents, such as test results or medical imaging, directly into their field of vision. Support teams can access it through Teams, a smartphone, a tablet, or a computer. Through this technology, support teams can also draw on or point to a precise location on a patient’s body to indicate where a procedure should be performed or a treatment administered. The information is displayed directly on the visor of the employee who is wearing the device. 

Integrating technologies into our organization is a joint initiative by the Information Resources and Biomedical Engineering Directorate, the Nursing Directorate, and the Professional Services Directorate.   Stay tuned!



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