Research Support and Framework Unit (USER)


The Research Support and Framework Unit (RSFU), a service unit in the Academic Affairs, Teaching and Research Directorate (DAUER), supports the Research Ethics Board and the mandated person, as well as the research centres, researchers and directorates, in launching and participating in research activities. The ’RSFU’s role is the preparation, deployment and oversight of the application of the institution’s regulatory framework in research, all in compliance with the reference frameworks and contributes all the administrative support necessary for the foregoing actors in the performance of their mandate. 

Submit a research project / Contact us

Do you wish to submit a research project? Consult the section Conducting a research project in the Institution

General research requests

We invite you to use the generic e-mail address below rather than individual e-mails for your initial questions or requests.

Contact the RSFU team

Mathieu Brodeur
Assistant to the Director of Academic Affairs, Teaching and Research – Manager responsible for the RSFU

Rebecca MacDonald
Ethics Advisor and Coordinator of the Mental Health and Neuroscience Subcommittee 

Leslie Yu
Administrative Officer in Support of the Research Ethics Board

Noémie Montminy
Coordinator of Researchers’ Research Privileges, Training and Qualifications 

Geneviève Morin
Coordinator of Research Data Management

Frantz Thélémaque
RSFU Administrative Technician

Jaclyn Chabot, M.Sc.
Coordinator of the Biomedical Subcommittee  

Imane Mouzoune, M.Sc. 
Suitability and Authorization Coordinator

Louise Ringuette, Ph.D. (c) 
Privacy Impact Assessment Manager

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