Charges - Refusal to transfer

When you are admitted to a hospital for a health problem, hospital staff provide care to allow you to maintain or regain your health and maximum independence.

The care team’s goal is for you to return home following your hospitalization. However, this isn’t always possible. When you’re not able to go home after being hospitalized, a multidisciplinary team takes care of finding a living environment with services adapted to your care needs (e.g., rehabilitation centre, CHSLD).

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If you refuse to be transferred from the hospital

You could be charged hospitalization fees.

The fees are applied uniformly in all hospitals in Montréal, in accordance with a regional agreement.

The goal is to improve access to hospital care for the population.

When you knowingly refuse a transfer, the amount to pay is set according to the number of days you are hospitalized after refusing the transfer.

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Please note

The care team can support you through the next steps of your own or your loved one’s treatment plan. If needed, talk to the care team or ask to meet with the social worker.

Although most health and social services provided in the network are covered by the health insurance board (RAMQ), fees can apply in some situations. For more information, talk to the care team.

Source :  Cadre de référence régional - Gestion du refus de l’usager. CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, 2022

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