Request for Distribution of Information

    The Communications Directorate wants to provide a framework for the visibility offered to partners of the IUHSSC. Partners must get authorization from the Communications Directorate for any distribution of information within the facilities of the Montréal West Island Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre. For a request to be accepted, the partner must provide services that are in line with the IUHSSC’s mission and must collaborate regularly with our organization.

    Guidelines based on the type of visibility requested

    In keeping with the mission and objectives of our IUHSSC, the Communications Directorate reserves its distribution channels, first and foremost, for projects and files relating to the Ministry of Health and Social Services, our IUHSSC and its 15 foundations.

    Partners are responsible for submitting their requests and for the communications tool they wish to use.

    The Communications Directorate reserves the right to:

    • Disseminate information according to the availability of tools, and chose the optimal means of visibility based on the needs and the campaign;
    • Revise texts so that they meet the requirements of the communications tool selected.

    Most IUHSSC sites are designated bilingual. Partners must therefore provide their materials in both English and French.

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    Request types that will be refused

    • Promotion of political, religious and/or fundraising campaigns or activities

    • Outreach related to the success of campaigns or fundraising activities

    • Outreach related to the appreciation of services offered by a partner of our IUHSSC

    • Promotion of products or services on behalf of private companies

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    1. You must complete a request for visibility. To do so, simply fill out the online form.
    2. Email the completed form, along with the documents to be authorized, to
    3. Your request will then be analyzed.
    4. In the case of a paper campaign, if the request is accepted:
    5. The Communications Directorate will return the approved form.
    6. You are asked to deliver the approved documents, including the form, in an unsealed envelope to a CLSC receptionist.  
    7. The CLSC reception staff will validate that the request has been authorized.
    8. Our reception staff submits the documents to the person responsible for posting. The site representative will see that the documents are posted according to the space available, for a maximum of 30 days.

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