Ste. Anne’s Hospital: The Centre of Excellence in Geriatrics is Expanding!

Since Ste. Anne’s Hospital (SAH) became a facility of the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, it has regularly added new programs for seniors, reinforcing its status as the Centre of Excellence in Geriatrics within our territory. One example of this is the short-term geriatric unit (UCDG) that will be opening there on September 18.

The UCDG will be located on the 6th floor of the Main Pavilion, with 16 beds for seniors aged 70 years and older. When a user is admitted to the unit, they will receive a complete health assessment. This assessment, along with interdisciplinary and medical interventions, will help to understand the person’s underlying issues and assess the reversibility thereof. It will also serve to identify the care and services the person requires to best regain their health and both functional and cognitive autonomy, so that they can  return home as soon as possible. This process also depends on the active participation of the person admitted to the UCDG and their loved ones to be successful.

For those who might be interested, there are still job openings at this new clinic for professionals, nurses, and beneficiary attendants!

The Centre of Excellence in Geriatrics at SAH already includes an intensive functional rehabilitation program. The unit has 33 beds. Their clients are on average 79 years old. Those who are admitted have physical or cognitive disabilities that affect their ability to carry out day-to-day tasks (such as taking a bath, getting dressed, or eating) and domestic tasks (such as preparing meals, housecleaning, or tracking their medical prescriptions).

This clientele cannot return home after an episode of acute care, but there is still the potential for rehabilitation. Using an interdisciplinary approach centred around the user, the program provides intensive rehabilitation five days per week and is focused on functional recovery. In 2022–2023, 244 patients were admitted there, with 82.3% returning home.

The post-acute care program also has 33 beds for those with moderate care and rehabilitation needs (0 to 4 days per week) or convalescent care following a short hospital stay. These patients, whose average age is over 80 years old, receive daily medical, nursing, and therapeutic care for a short period, but no longer need access to the technical support services of a hospital centre. 

In 2022–2023, 277 patients were admitted there, with 63% returning home.

  • Short-term Geriatric Unit: Assessment and active care to clearly define the patient’s clinical condition and provide care and services aimed at ensuring the patient can remain at home.
  • Intensive Functional Rehabilitation Unit: Intensive rehabilitation with daily physiotherapy and occupational therapy aimed at restoring the patient’s abilities to the level they were at before an episode of acute clinical care.
  • Post-Acute Care Unit: Rehabilitation that aims to optimize the patient’s functional abilities. Less intensive than intensive functional rehabilitation.

Expanding this Centre of Excellence in Geriatrics at SAH aims to meet the needs of the West Island community, while supporting patient fluidity at hospital centres.

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